Friday, July 1, 2011

She’s still “Aniston” :)

Aniston 19wks

So I had my 20 wk ultrasound today, although she really only measured 19 wks, 4 days.

I was a nervous wreck up until this day worrying that “she” might really be a “he” and that I would have to retract my announcement to everyone that we had already made. And return a bunch of pink stuff that had already been purchased! :)

As the tech was getting ready to look for the gender clues she asked me what I was hoping for. I told her that I had already been to another sonogram place at 15 weeks and so I really already knew. But I didn’t tell her what they told me. I wanted to hear her guess. She proceeded to tell me that they recently had another one of my doctor’s patients find out early and the first guess was wrong. So I got really worried after she said that.

But as she continued to look around she said, “did they tell you girl?” I said, “yep!” and she said “they were right”~ <insert HUGE SMILE> :)

Aniston looks great and we figured out I have an anterior placenta so that’s why I’m not feeling much movement yet. But the dr said I should be feeling her in the next couple of weeks as she continues getting bigger.

She is currently 10 oz.

Here is my 18 wk picture:


This was after a huge meal at Olive Garden so I’m definitely showing!!! :)

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