This past weekend G got himself a big boy bed. We took down the crib, so little sister can use it, and we put up a twin size bed in it’s place. He was so cute when we got it all set up. He got up there and laid down and smiled and just loved it.
On Sunday night, the first night in the new bed, I laid down with him and read him a couple books and it wasn’t long until he dozed off. I left the room and went to my bedroom to watch the Mavs coverage on TV.
WOO-HOO MAVS!!! Way to go!!!
He began crying at around 1:30am so I went to check on him and he was just sitting on the edge of the bed like he didn’t know what to do. I made the mistake of bringing him back to bed with us but I can’t help it! I hate to see my sweetie cry!!!
The next night, we did the same routine and he dozed off rather quickly. He started crying at about 12:30am and I went in there and laid with him until he fell back asleep. Then at 3:45am he walked in our room and Trent just let him up in bed. We didn’t even try to fight it and send him back.
Last night, it was rough getting him to sleep. I laid down with him at 9 and didn’t get to leave the room until 10. Pretty much as soon as I left he woke up and started crying so I laid back down with him until he fell back to sleep. Much to my surprise…….
I’m so proud! I hope he keeps it up!!!