On Friday, June 5th, I took our little guy to his 2 month Dr visit! He had to get 3 shots and take one by mouth. I thought it would be extremely hard on me to watch while the nurse gave him the shots but he actually didn't even cry too bad. He started to during the first poke but after that he just kept sucking on his pacifier. I was just glad that he didn't let out one of those screams where he is crying so hard that he loses his breath for a few seconds! They weighed him and measured his height and his head. Here are his stats:
Weight: 12 lbs, 2.5 oz ........(50.75th percentile)
Height: 24 1/2 inches .........(95th percentile)
Head: 41 cm .............(75th percentile)
So all in all, it was a great visit and he did really well that evening and it didn't seem like the shots made him feel too bad or sore. He may have been but he sure didn't show it! He was a happy baby and even smiled for us a time or two! I'm loving his little smiles by the way!! SOOOOO CUTE!! I just haven't been able to capture a good one on camera yet!! But I hope to soon!
I'll post new pics in the next day or two!